Friday, November 14, 2008

chap pa lang VI

HoHoHO~ recently i have accustomed to poverty T_T
have withdrawn RM260 frm account, for this month..
Yet, today just 14th..
so sad+kek sim of it..
$$$, where you gone har?
can come back kah?
right here waiting for you harT_T

going to Pulau Pangkor next week a,
with *H7智慧型靓女档*n some "lads"..hng..
yea,somebodies will get why am i "hng"..
荷包大出血again lar~~~ T_T
but still i willing to go..wakakaka..
not 犯贱lar dui~
just that i never step on Pulau Pangkor..=.=
although nothing special and interesting there,
i'm sure a lot of funs will come out,
as long as there will be many siao po go along,
right huh?
*hahaha..clap hand clap hand..XD*
and, i want to go Kei's home,
as well as play mahjung,which i WAS expert in it..
In the nutshell,
November= Bankrupt month


1st December= suicide day
why why why??


you have hit the nail on the head!!
hahahaha(seemingly a bit out of control)

it's the date we can get know about our PSPM result..
omg..such a horribble , terrible and vegetables day leh..
ke yi bu yao mah??T_T
my SOB SOB resurrected liao la dear T_T
AhMean AhHiao AhPheng ar,
pls, go to see our result together har..
at least,
if i be seized by a whim to jump from the Chemistry lab's top,
there are somebodies to stop me..T_T

(sigh sigh sigh)...
wei, cannot lar~
we must confident de leh~
we are the champion ever!


H7's principle:
30% of fate + 70% of great endeavors=success!


and it holds true that:抗兵相若,弱兵胜矣 oh!wahahaha
(pls give permission for me to dream as long as i need it, wakakaka)

recently watching The Four,
Hong Kong drama..
emm..quite ok gua ..
all leng zai huh..haha

What else hah?
ya, there is a new computer in my room now,
apart from my laptop that i'm using..
it's called new but not new actually..
it is that my aunt bought really new computers
so "litter" it over here..wakakaka
i'm so glad of it!
not because that i can fool around with the new piece of item,
is that the so-called "new"computer is the favour of the month now,
my brothers go on their dota games with the "new"computer
and do not use my babe laptop anymore..
supreme good news!
i HATE that my laptop's keyboard being knocked by them,
because they are "Technology-Destructers"!!!

Yam sheng for it...wahahahaha

sot jor~


Anonymous said...

haha...u oso use this sentences liao ar...?? "exactly!!! u hav hit the nail on the head!!!" haha...


珍麦麦 said...

hahaha..learnt frm u de ma~